About Us

Who are we?

COWRIECROWD(CC) is a digital platform/marketplace which facilitates boutique essential transactions: - Enabling Nigerians anywhere in the diaspora purchase goods and services from select merchants and service providers in Nigeria for their defendants and loved ones back home across many cities (and many more coming) in Nigeria!

What we currently offer:

Our offerings/products are targeted towards life's very essentials - the things that keep you up at night when your loved one calls and distance is between you. These give you power to provide solutions beyond sending money and are grouped into 4 categories namely:


In conjunction with our select Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) Nigerians in the diaspora can now purchase affordable Health Insurance coverage for their family members and dependents in Nigeria, This is in line with what diasporans experience in their current locations and eliminates future calls asking for money to be sent home to facilitate emergency medical treatment for your loved ones.

Essential Services

- Tuition/School Bills - Nigerians in the diaspora are now able to pay directly to primary, secondary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria for school fees of family members and dependents. This puts you directly in control and eliminates mistrust and misappropriation of money sent home for this purpose.

- Medical Bills - Nigerians in the diaspora are now able to pay medical bills of loved ones, family members, acquaintances etc, without sending money through a middlemen, all you need is a copy of any medical Bill issued to the person!


Nigerians in the diaspora now have the ability to recharge prepaid electricity meters, purchase phone call and data credit and cable subscriptions of their family members and dependents - from anywhere in the world!

Grocery Store

The CC platform also provides an online grocery store servicing Lagos, Ibadan, Port-Harcourt and Abuja (with more to come ), where Nigerians in Diaspora can shop for food and other grocery items for onward delivery to their loved ones. The grocery category is filled with various products containing basic commodities needed by family members and dependents and you can imagine the glee on your aged parents faces when you send them foodstuffs all the way from… 😉, you get the gist.